Industrial 3D printing

3D Printing Blog

Areas of Application, Processes, Basics, Manufacturers

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Areas of application of 3D printing


Prototyping refers to the three-dimensional production of functional prototypes (test models) of a planned product. Depending on the purpose and properties that are to be tested with the help of such a model ...

Rapid Manufacturing

The term Rapid Manufacturing (German: fast manufacturing) is an umbrella term under which various processes for the rapid production of components are collected. The focus is therefore on the time- and cost-efficient production ...

Rapid prototyping

With rapid prototyping via SLS (Selective Laser Sintering) and SLM (Selective Laser Melting), you get time-efficient, functional and resilient functional prototypes. In this way, problems and weaknesses are identified at an early stage ...
3D printing processes

FDM – Fused Deposition Modelling

Fused Deposition Modelling, or FDM for short, is a special manufacturing process in which an object is made layer by layer from a meltable plastic. In addition to the SLS process, it is ...

Laser Cusing

The LaserCusing® process is a patented three-dimensional laser melting process developed by Concept Laser GmbH. The word is made up of Concept Laser + Fusing. In this technology, three-dimensional objects such as components ...

LPBF – Laser Powder Bed Fusion

Since then, a number of machines and systems for the 3D printing of metals have been developed by various companies based on the LPBF process – with different names for the same process ...
3D printing basics

Additive Manufacturing

Additive manufacturing is the opposite of material-removing, subtractive manufacturing, in which the desired object is carved out of a block of material. In additive manufacturing (AM, German: additive manufacturing), the end product is ...

Generative manufacturing

Generative manufacturing is another term for additive manufacturing, the umbrella term for 3D printing processes in which an object is built up layer by layer. The raw materials are moulding sands, polymer gypsum, ...

Industrial 3D Printing

In industrial 3D printing, components are produced directly from the digital 3D CAD data as individual pieces or in series. Cost- and time-saving as well as tool-free, objects and components can be created ...
Manufacturers of 3D printing machines


3D-Systems, based in South Carolina, was founded in 1986. The company develops and sells 3D printers worldwide. The product range is broad – the technologies range from three-dimensional printing with plastics to metals. ...


Arcam is a Swedish company that has specialized in solutions for the 3D production of metal components since its foundation in 1997. The focus is particularly on solutions for industries such as orthopedic ...

Concept Laser

Concept Laser is a company specializing in the production of metal 3D printing equipment for industrial applications. 2000 was the year Concept Laser GmbH was founded. In the meantime, Concept Laser has become ...

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