Startseite » 3D printing & services » Additive Manufacturing Metal » Surface technology & metal assembly
After 3D printing, metal components are usually post-processed and refined to obtain the required finish. The reason for this is their sandy-rough surface, which is typical of additive manufacturing processes and which cannot be avoided, even with the highest print resolution. In the case of concealed functional parts, the rough surface usually does not play a role. When it comes to design and visual components, as well as moulded parts with high fluid or hygiene requirements, however, it is important that the surface has the required quality. This also applies to many serial parts, which need a surface quality so good that they can be installed after delivery without requiring any further processing steps.
Post-processing and finishing of 3D-printed metal surfaces
Production-ready finishing for 3D-printed metal components
Achieving 3D-printed metal surfaces with a high-quality finish requires a lot of experience, expertise and machines that are tailored to meet the requirements. With intensive development work, numerous qualification measures and targeted investments in technology, we achieve perfect surface qualities at series level quickly, reliably and economically. Our customers benefit from
our ready-to-install 3D-printed shaped parts made of metal.
Surface technology for the post-processing of 3D-printed metal
From the SLM blank to the final component ready for series production, different processing and finishing steps may be required depending on the requirements. In a perfectly coordinated process, we implement most of these steps quickly and efficiently using our in-house facilities. If necessary, we also work with long-standing partners.
“We offer perfect post-processing, refinement and finishing for 3D-printed metal parts ready for series production.”
In the case of hard-to-access, internal support structures, we offer the high-quality service of automated support structure removal plus component smoothing from a single source. The metal parts are then sandblasted to complete the pre-treatment of the surface.
After pre-treatment, it is time for the surface finishing and refinement of the laser-sintered 3D-printed metal parts. We offer our customers a wide range of mechanical and coating processes with which we reliably achieve the desired surface finish and product quality.
Be it visible components for automobiles or functional parts for the food industry, when design and cleanliness are important, metal components need a smooth and shiny surface. With our high-performance grinding and polishing systems, we produce ready-to-use components with high-quality surfaces that meet all requirements.
Depending on the intended use, the surface of 3D-printed metal parts must also be hardened or specially protected. We achieve such finishes with the surface techniques of EDM erosion, hardening, nitriding in short-term plasma, nickel electroplating or coating.
Industries and areas of application of surface technology
Every industry has its own requirements. We refine 3D-printed metal components for customers such as automotive manufacturers, automotive suppliers and companies in the fields of medical technology and mechanical engineering, the consumer industry and the food industry. We offer a suitable finishing strategy for almost every requirement in order to perfect the final look and feel and to deliver ready-to-install parts and components that are ready for series production.
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FKM is a pioneer in selective laser sintering (SLS) and selective laser melting (SLM) in Germany and Europe. Since 1994, we have been part of a revolutionary rethinking process in the industry. Where tool and mould making used to determine the design rules, additive manufacturing with SLS and SLM is now changing entire production processes.
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