Startseite » 3D printing & services » Areas of Application & Advantages » Rapid tooling
In additive manufacturing, rapid tooling is a faster, more cost-efficient and more flexible way to produce tools and moulds than, for example, machining or casting. It provides companies that need to respond faster and more efficiently to changing customer needs with a clear competitive advantage.
When it comes to rapid tooling, FKM also sees itself as a project partner that supports customers beyond the additive manufacturing procedure. We therefore already contribute our thoughts and ideas as early as during the design process of a product.
Our approach to rapid tooling keeps a close eye on all the possibilities of 3D printing – from resource-saving lightweight construction to the functional integration of elements such as conformal cooling channels and right through to specification-dependent material recommendations, finishing options and the final assembly of groups of components. FKM is open to your ideas and is passionate about making them a reality with LPBF solutions. The active involvement of FKM reduces the development risk and secures further investment steps.
“At FKM, we offer rapid tooling with state-of-the-art solutions that not only work but are also cost-effective.”
The initial consultation lays the technical foundation for your project idea. You will receive comprehensive information on the right choice of material, feasibility and, if required, on the subject of conformal cooling.
Once the framework conditions have been established, we simulate on the PC what the tool is to be used for and where optimisations are necessary and can be implemented, for example via conformal cooling. Once all the parameters have been determined, we analyse the simulation together with you. Thanks to the simulations prior to 3D printing, we can ensure that the temperature control channels are optimised.
Once you are satisfied with the simulation, we use it as the basis for creating the 3D print data for the moulds and mould inserts, including the cooling structures. Before the component goes to print, you finalise the digital print data and give your go! for 3D printing.
Using the LPBF process, we now manufacture the mould along the print data.
Together with our partner iQtemp, a specialist in conformal temperature control in rapid tooling, we have perfected the cooling process in additively manufactured tools and moulds.
“It’s amazing how cold the component is when it falls out of the tool.”
We receive this feedback from our customers all the time. Thanks to our exact simulations and additive manufacturing process, we can guarantee the optimal flow of the temperature control channels in injection-moulding and die-casting tools.
The metal pressure powder is fused at points where hard steel will later be used, and the powder is retained where the cavities for the temperature control channels will be created. This means that no subsequent processing of the tool is necessary because the temperature control channels are already integrated directly into the tool during the 3D manufacturing process.
Advantages of conformal cooling from FKM & iQtemp
Diversity. Six metals.
What advantages must the material have for your application? Tensile strength, fracture resistance, temperature resistance, bending flexibility or lightness?
Whatever components you need to produce, FKM has the right material to meet every requirement. Put your trust in our experience – together we will find the perfect material.
Our comprehensive portfolio of highly developed metal materials has proven itself in daily practice. The modern metal powders ensure the desired product properties and make the reproductions reliably repeatable.
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